Friday, February 27, 2009


I forgot to mention that Brian did really well in yoga class, and enjoyed it! For a beginner, he was markedly non-dorky, and did most of the poses really well. He plans to keep coming every week, so yay! It'll be something we can do and enjoy together, and Nick loves going to the childcare room at the gym, so it's a win-win-win.


J said...

That's great! I plan to start going to Yoga in the next couple of months. We have a studio in town that offers classes on Saturday mornings. Some of the women from the college go and have coffee after at the local coffee shop. Now I just have to find a weekend when I'm free and in town. :-) Somehow I can't imagine Jeff ever doing yoga.

Patty O. said...

How cool! I think it is nice when you can share exercise with your husband. Plus, it may do wonders for his back (how is his back, btw?). When I started exercising, I had many fewer back aches. Of course, when I took yoga, I was markedly dorky. I was pregnant, though, so I guess I could use that as an excuse : )

Amy Jane said...

Patty - Brian's back is doing OK lately - he doesn't complain much. He definitely thinks that yoga will help it. Thanks for asking! How thoughtful of you.