Monday, February 2, 2009

busy day!

Whew! I left the house this morning at 8:15, and didn't get home until 2:15 - it was one of those days. I took Nick to preschool, and then headed to the gym for step class. It was the first class in the new location, and it's so nice! It's a huge improvement over our old place. I love it! Class was really good today - I got a good workout. Then, I stayed to attend a free tutorial given by one of the personal trainers - he's showing people all the different ways to use the various weight machines. He really knows his stuff, and it's nice to learn my way around the machines. Right now, I only have a class membership (no access to the equipment), but I'm thinking of expanding my membership so that I can go use the machines there for strength-training. We shall see. Then, I ran to Walmart for a quick return and purchase, then got Nick from school. We then headed to Brigitte's house for one of her famous, food-laden soirees. Nick was actually really well-behaved, and we had a good time. I ate way too much, but as always, I had a great time visiting with all the women from various countries, and there was some piano-playing and singing, as usual. And now, we're home and Nick is napping. That's my day so far! The rest of it should be pretty tame in comparison. When Brian gets home, I'm going to run to Hallmark for some upcoming greeting card needs, and then it's going to be a pretty lazy evening around here. I'm looking forward to it! Then, tomorrow, it's back to the grind with preschool, kickboxing, etc.


J said...

I really liked weight training when I did it before. Machines make it easy and the results are nice. I think I'll move into after a month or so of just basic stuff.

Patty O. said...

Wow, I am tired just reading your post. : )

Amber said...

Whew, that is quite a day!

P.S. What is your secret to getting your kiddo to nap? Zara is pretty much not napping these days, maybe once a week she'll zonk out. I encourage a "rest time" in her room, but all she does is read books.