Wednesday, February 11, 2009

a gloomy, rainy, blah day

It's totally yucky outside today! I'm planning to go to the evening strength class at the gym, and it's going to take every ounce of fortitude I have to force myself to leave my cozy, warm house. But, I must go. Let's just say that in the process of baking Valentine cookies today, ten a couple of them made it into my mouth. I'm telling you, cookies are my major weakness, above all other foods. I am completely powerless when faced with them. It's pathetic, I know, but true. And you'd think I would have had my fill today, but I'm sure I'll be powerless once again at my MOPS meeting. Alas. I've been fairly good this week otherwise, though, which gives me some solace. Perhaps after Nick's birthday party next month, I'll finally buckle down again and start counting calories so that I can lose those last few pounds. How happy I'd be!


Anonymous said...

I love the ten crossed out. Thanks for the giggle!

Jen said...

Thanks for the comment on my blog! I meant to 'introduce' myself when I started following you but somehow never got to it. I found your blog through Amber's (sometimes when my household is in-between dramatic upheavals I take time to go randomly blog hopping) and really loved reading your thoughts. The fact that you are a classically trained soprano (as am I) married to a musician (as am I) are a dooce fan (as am I) and have a 4-year-old (ditto) helped seal the deal, though it was the obscure "Friends" reference that was the clincher :).

Glad to have found you!

Patty O. said...

I totally get the cookie weakness. Chocolate and cake are my kryptonite, but there are many more weaknesses, food-wise that strike periodically. I read once that nutritionists recommend a 20/80 rule, where you eat well 80% of the time and 20% you can splurge. I think you are following that for the most part. wish I could say I was, but I overdid it on the banana bread I made this week. Interestingly, I have only gained 20 pounds this pregnancy. Not sure how I managed to keep it low, but I am excited. Hopefully, it will be that much easier to lose when I am done being pregnant. BTW, did I mention that I have nominated you as my motivate Patty to lose weight and get fit buddy? Hope you don't mind!