Sunday, June 1, 2008

sex and the city movie

Loved it! It had emotional moments, it had sexy moments, it had laugh-out-loud hilarious moments, and it had amazing fashions. It was very satisfying, in my opinion. An important note: even if you didn't watch the series on TV, you could still totally go to this movie and enjoy it. You don't need to have watched the show. So, go see it!


Patty O. said...

That's good to know. I have only seen one or two episodes of the show (we never had cable) so I didn't know if seeing the movie would be worth it.

Christie said...

I'm really hoping to see the movie at some point. I only just recently got into the tv show, but I do enjoy it when I can catch it on tv. I'm hoping to go with one of my girlfriends since Andy wouldn't be caught dead seeing this movie!