Friday, June 19, 2009

shocked and horrified

I have somehow managed to gain 4 lbs. in a week!!! I'm pretty upset to be up to 145, because I have been maintaining my weight around 141 for months now, and haven't weighed 145 since September! It just kills me that in one week, I'm back to what I weighed 9 MONTHS ago. Drat. Ack. Bah, humbug. It's ironic, because while I was sick, my weight held steady, but the first week that I've gotten back to the gym and actually worked out at all, it's up! I know it has to do with all the non-working out I've done over the past few weeks, and with the fact that I HAVE been eating pretty crappily lately. There's just something about feeling like hell that makes it seem OK to have some McDonald's, ya know? I just never would have thought I could gain 4 lbs. in one week. That has NEVER happened, during my whole weight-loss endeavor. I guess I just have to really buckle down and start eating better, and hope that getting back into a regular workout schedule will help get those 4 lbs. back off. Of course, going on our trip tomorrow isn't going to help matters at all, eating-wise. I'm just feeling pretty upset and freaked right now. :(

As I just said, we are leaving tomorrow for 10 days, and my Internet access will be spotty to nonexistent. So, I probably won't be blogging again until July. "See" you then!


B1L said...

I know how discouraging it is when you gain back weight that you have lost. It totally sucks. I have total faith that you will get back on track and lose it all. YOu have been so diligent and determined and have really been a motivating factor in my weight loss journey! Good luck.

Patty O. said...

Whoops. Didn't realize Bil was still logged in. Obviously, that was MY comment, though I am sure Bil would agree with my comments!